Comparing initial point generation methods#

Holger Nahrstaedt 2020

Bayesian optimization or sequential model-based optimization uses a surrogate model to model the expensive to evaluate function func. There are several choices for what kind of surrogate model to use. This notebook compares the performance of:

  • Halton sequence,

  • Hammersly sequence,

  • Sobol’ sequence and

  • Latin hypercube sampling

as initial points. The purely random point generation is used as a baseline.

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from skopt.benchmarks import hart6 as hart6_

Toy model#

We will use the benchmarks.hart6 function as toy model for the expensive function. In a real world application this function would be unknown and expensive to evaluate.

# redefined `hart6` to allow adding arbitrary "noise" dimensions
def hart6(x, noise_level=0.0):
    return hart6_(x[:6]) + noise_level * np.random.randn()

from skopt.benchmarks import branin as _branin

def branin(x, noise_level=0.0):
    return _branin(x) + noise_level * np.random.randn()
import time

from matplotlib.pyplot import cm

from skopt import gp_minimize

def plot_convergence(
    result_list, true_minimum=None, yscale=None, title="Convergence plot"

    ax = plt.gca()
    ax.set_xlabel("Number of calls $n$")
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$\min f(x)$ after $n$ calls")
    if yscale is not None:
    colors = cm.hsv(np.linspace(0.25, 1.0, len(result_list)))

    for results, color in zip(result_list, colors):
        name, results = results
        n_calls = len(results[0].x_iters)
        iterations = range(1, n_calls + 1)
        mins = [[np.min(r.func_vals[:i]) for i in iterations] for r in results]
        ax.plot(iterations, np.mean(mins, axis=0), c=color, label=name)
        # ax.errorbar(iterations, np.mean(mins, axis=0),
        #             yerr=np.std(mins, axis=0), c=color, label=name)
    if true_minimum:
        ax.axhline(true_minimum, linestyle="--", color="r", lw=1, label="True minimum")
    return ax

def run(minimizer, initial_point_generator, n_initial_points=10, n_repeats=1):
    return [
        for n in range(n_repeats)

def run_measure(initial_point_generator, n_initial_points=10):
    start = time.time()
    # n_repeats must set to a much higher value to obtain meaningful results.
    n_repeats = 1
    res = run(
    duration = time.time() - start
    print("%s: %.2f s" % (initial_point_generator, duration))
    return res


The objective of this example is to find one of these minima in as few iterations as possible. One iteration is defined as one call to the benchmarks.hart6 function.

We will evaluate each model several times using a different seed for the random number generator. Then compare the average performance of these models. This makes the comparison more robust against models that get “lucky”.

from functools import partial

example = "hart6"

if example == "hart6":
    func = partial(hart6, noise_level=0.1)
    bounds = [
        (0.0, 1.0),
    ] * 6
    true_minimum = -3.32237
    n_calls = 30
    n_initial_points = 10
    yscale = None
    title = "Convergence plot - hart6"
    func = partial(branin, noise_level=2.0)
    bounds = [(-5.0, 10.0), (0.0, 15.0)]
    true_minimum = 0.397887
    n_calls = 30
    n_initial_points = 10
    yscale = "log"
    title = "Convergence plot - branin"
from skopt.utils import cook_initial_point_generator

# Random search
dummy_res = run_measure("random", n_initial_points)
lhs = cook_initial_point_generator("lhs", lhs_type="classic", criterion=None)
lhs_res = run_measure(lhs, n_initial_points)
lhs2 = cook_initial_point_generator("lhs", criterion="maximin")
lhs2_res = run_measure(lhs2, n_initial_points)
sobol = cook_initial_point_generator("sobol", randomize=False, min_skip=1, max_skip=100)
sobol_res = run_measure(sobol, n_initial_points)
halton_res = run_measure("halton", n_initial_points)
hammersly_res = run_measure("hammersly", n_initial_points)
grid_res = run_measure("grid", n_initial_points)
random: 11.50 s
<skopt.sampler.lhs.Lhs object at 0x0000020BCFA298D0>: 10.31 s
<skopt.sampler.lhs.Lhs object at 0x0000020BCF824250>: 10.83 s
D:\git\scikit-optimize\skopt\sampler\ UserWarning: The balance properties of Sobol' points require n to be a power of 2. 0 points have been previously generated, then: n=0+10=10.
<skopt.sampler.sobol.Sobol object at 0x0000020BCFAF0210>: 8.19 s
halton: 5.61 s
hammersly: 6.14 s
grid: 11.66 s

Note that this can take a few minutes.

plot = plot_convergence(
        ("random", dummy_res),
        ("lhs", lhs_res),
        ("lhs_maximin", lhs2_res),
        ("sobol'", sobol_res),
        ("halton", halton_res),
        ("hammersly", hammersly_res),
        ("grid", grid_res),
Convergence plot - hart6

This plot shows the value of the minimum found (y axis) as a function of the number of iterations performed so far (x axis). The dashed red line indicates the true value of the minimum of the benchmarks.hart6 function.

Test with different n_random_starts values

lhs2 = cook_initial_point_generator("lhs", criterion="maximin")
lhs2_15_res = run_measure(lhs2, 12)
lhs2_20_res = run_measure(lhs2, 14)
lhs2_25_res = run_measure(lhs2, 16)
<skopt.sampler.lhs.Lhs object at 0x0000020BD8E162D0>: 5.83 s
<skopt.sampler.lhs.Lhs object at 0x0000020BD8E162D0>: 5.66 s
<skopt.sampler.lhs.Lhs object at 0x0000020BD8E162D0>: 4.54 s

n_random_starts = 10 produces the best results

plot = plot_convergence(
        ("random - 10", dummy_res),
        ("lhs_maximin - 10", lhs2_res),
        ("lhs_maximin - 12", lhs2_15_res),
        ("lhs_maximin - 14", lhs2_20_res),
        ("lhs_maximin - 16", lhs2_25_res),
Convergence plot - hart6

Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 20.489 seconds)

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